In business, revenue control usually takes place in the field of reception of goods, commonly found in production management.
As for the outputs, the control section responsible sector is known as clearance and also belongs wing production management.
A plan materials: through which are controlled quantities ordered, the dates on which orders are received and the dates you reapply, in coordination with possible changes in production plans. This plan is the basis of the whole covor cauciuc system.
The commitment to carry out the plan: it requires commitment to specific dates for orders and waiting times to delivery, to avoid unnecessary inventory costs generated in administrative errors in purchasing management.
Constant evaluation: we must continuously review inventory systems to prevent potential problems in them. Times regarding the correction of errors in the inventory are not always expected or necessary for companies and can cause serious problems in the operation. It is better safe than sorry.
The insistence on maintaining accurate records of inventory: this can be done through inventory sheets or more sophisticated computer systems. The important thing is to concentrate resources, energy and time to adjust constantly monitoring and inventory control to prevent errors.
A correct control of income and expenses of materials or goods of a company provides numerous benefits, among which we can mention:
To promote customer service: available inventory means that the product is available when customers are willing to buy.
Obviously, if not available, customers will not receive the service and the company lost that sale and other sales in the future. The delivery service is one of the major props when defining a sale.
To promote certainty in production and operations: the final product demand and provision of materials always contain some uncertainty when planning. Inventories serve as a protection against the effects of uncertainty. Many companies maintain the so-called safety stocks, which act as reservoirs for times that are predicted wrongly.
Promote the benefits through price speculation: there are companies that, at certain times (for example, in times of higher inflation), a profit buying products at low prices and storing them until they grow, and then sell and so profit. While not the primary purpose, in some contexts is a strategy to survive difficult times.
Storage and shopping record
The materials have been consistent in Receiving Deposit or delivered to the store along with the quality report and the receiving part. This part includes a quantitative control, or of coincidence between the bought and what came.
Once this has occurred, it informs the shopping area, which in turn informs the administrative areas corresponding to proceed to settle the payment to suppliers, and then archives the documentation. In companies that are managed with cost centers, accounts assigned the cost of purchasing the sector applicant.